16 Signs You Need a Central Vacuum

Central vacuums are an excellent addition to any home. They supply the convenience of not having to use attachments or carry around bulky canisters, but they also provide cleaner carpets and cleaner air quality.

If you're looking for a vacuum that's going to make it easy to clean your home without having all of the hassles that accompany other types of vacuums, then it's time to consider investing in a central vacuum.

So, let's jump in and look at the signs that you need a central vacuum.

What are Central Vacuums?

A central vacuum is a system that you install into your home to help provide the best clean possible. A standard unit will consist of tubing throughout your walls, with various components placed through it to ensure the air being sucked in provides the best results. These components include filters and motors.

Once they're in place, all you need to do is add a vacuum head and cleaner bag. There are no attachments or canisters to worry about, which means they make for convenient systems when it comes time to clean your home.

16 Signs You Need a Central Vacuum

You Have Several Pets in Your Home

Having several pets can leave carpets looking dingy and feeling dirty. The amount of hair that lives in carpets is enough to drive most people crazy, and these hairs can carry with them dust particles and other pollutants that lead to allergies and sicknesses. Adding a central vacuum into the mix will give you an easier way to get rid of the excess hair so your carpet looks better longer.

You Have Kids

Central vacuums are perfect for any home that has children.  Their constant contact with floors can leave carpets looking worn out, but it takes a long time before they actually look dirty.  This is especially true if the kids have allergies or another medical condition that makes them more prone to having cleaner carpets. A central vacuum will provide you with an easier way to show your carpet some love so it stays cleaner longer.

Your Carpets Are Already Damaged

Carpet damage comes in several forms, and no matter how bad it is, there's always hope!  A central vacuum system gives you all of the features needed to keep your carpets looking their best without too much of a hassle. They're made to work with multiple rooms, and they come equipped with all of the features needed for a high-level clean.  

You Want Your Home to Look Perfect

Central vacuums are wonderful for giving your home a crisp, clean look. They come equipped with several features that allow them to remove dirt and debris in all corners of your home, which means you can get access to cleaner floors than ever before. The units themselves are modernized so they're even easier to work with than some other systems on the market.

You Have Pets That Shed

Being around pets can be nice if they're well trained enough not to shed all over the carpets. However, there are dogs and cats out there that shed like it's their job! If you have pet hair in your carpet, then it will continue to spread throughout the air until you find an easier way to remove it. A central vacuum will make this much easier and you'll see a difference in the air quality around your home.

You Want Cleaner Air

Central vacuums come with high-end filtration systems that have been designed to eliminate particles from the air, making it better for anyone who's not able to breathe as well as they should be able to. This even helps reduce bad odors that may otherwise seep through your carpets and other materials, so you can get a smell good feeling all day long!

Your Vacuuming is Becoming More Difficult

Vacuuming is something that everyone has to do, even if they have maids or housekeepers. If your cleaning routine is becoming increasingly difficult because of the vacuum, then it may be time to look into a central vacuum.

In fact, the majority of housekeepers and maids will tell you that owning a central vacuum is one less thing they have to worry about when it comes to cleaning a home.

You Have Dust All Over Your Home

If you notice that there is dust everywhere in your home, including on your bookshelves, tables, and window sills, then the chances are good that your current vacuum just isn't doing its job anymore.

A poorly maintained traditional vacuum can create dust problems all throughout a home because it's not equipped to handle the fine dirt particles. That being said, this problem becomes even more acute when you have pets or children running around.

Your Home is Bigger Than 700 Square Feet

A smaller home doesn't need much in the way of cleaning power, but if your house is larger than 700 square feet or so, then you may want to seriously look into a central vacuum.

This is especially true if you have multiple stories in your home or if the house only has one floor. A central vacuum will make it easier for you to clean all of the dust and dirt that gets tracked around throughout your day-to-day life.

You Have Allergies or Asthma

If allergies or asthma are an issue for either yourself or members of your family, then having a central vacuum is vital. These types of vacuums don't just reduce allergy symptoms; they can actually improve them altogether!

Central vacuums work by removing up to 99% of the pollen and other allergens from the air as it blows out through the vents. That means you'll feel better and you'll be able to breathe easier.

Your Attachments are Getting Lost

If you find that your attachments are getting lost or left out, then it's time to purchase a central vacuum. Central vacuums come with wall-mounted attachments that can be placed right back in their designated place when you're finished using them.

This reduces the chances of losing your attachments, which is an all too common problem among traditional vacuum users.

You Think Vacuuming Is a Chore

If you think of vacuuming as a chore and it's not something that gives you pleasure, then it may be time to consider purchasing a centralized vacuum system. These devices are designed for maximum convenience and ease of use.

Centralized vacuums remove dirt from your home without stressing out homeowners over lost accessories or constantly having to switch between tools and units. They also don't require any lengthy setup or assembly. If you find yourself dreading the thought of getting out of your vacuum, then it's time for a change!

The Maintenance Costs Are Starting To Add Up

If you're noticing needed repairs to your current vacuum, then it may be time to replace it.

We're not saying that you should immediately go out and purchase a central vacuum, but we are suggesting that doing so may save you money in the long run because these types of vacuums require much less maintenance than traditional machines. You'll find that they last for years before needing even the simplest repair, if ever!

Your Vacuum is Getting in The Way

If your current vacuum is difficult to move and is constantly getting in the way when you're trying to clean different parts of your home, then it's probably time to consider purchasing a centralized vacuum system.

These devices typically come with attachments and easily-removable tubing that can be stored in a closet when you're not using them. This makes it simpler to transition between the different parts of your home without having to navigate around or move around large, bulky vacuum units.

You Want More Flexibility in Your Cleaning

If you want more flexibility in your cleaning schedule, then it may be time to consider purchasing a centralized vacuum system.

Centralized vacuums are designed with convenient features that make it easier for homeowners to clean their homes on their own terms. That means you'll have greater flexibility when it comes to choosing what type of cleaning schedule works best for your family and doesn't require anyone else's help.

You Want to Save on Cleaning Supplies

If you're tired of having to use cleaning supplies over and over again while still not getting the type of clean that you'd like, then it's probably time for a change.

Centralized vacuums reduce the need for extra cleaning supplies because they work more efficiently than traditional machines and can reach more areas of your home. That means you'll use less elbow grease, which will save you money in the long run!


If you find yourself nodding your head to any of the points listed above, then it's probably time for a change. Centralized vacuums are more convenient and efficient than traditional vacuum units, so they're well worth the investment!

Use this article as a guideline if you feel as though it's time for a new cleaning system at home.


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